The Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life

Ann has led this process many times, generally hosted by a particular parish community (in person or online). Invite her to bring the course to your own church, whether in Catholic, Protestant, or mixed group settings!

The Spiritual Exercises (also known as the 19th Annotation) is a process developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola for growing one's relationship with God and connecting faith to daily life. Traditionally practiced as a 30-day retreat, the exercises have been adapted in various ways to more easily integrate with a lay person's schedule.

I have offered the Exercises in some different "retreat in daily life" formats, but generally recommend thirty weekly two-hour meetings from September through April, so they will roughly align with the Lectionary cycle. Meetings include prayer, presentation, and small and large group discussions. Participants also meet with a trained spiritual director for an hour each month.

Making the Spiritual Exercises takes a commitment, but it is a rich experience with centuries of proven success. It leads participants through the life of Christ, and our growing relationship with him. It offers practical tools for integrating our faith with our daily lives, such as the Daily Examen and discernment techniques.


My rates are negotiable depending on the needs of the hiring party, but they typically fall in the range of $100-150 per hour, depending on topic, distance, and prep time.

Sample Announcement

Are you interested in deepening your prayer life and exploring different ways for connecting with God? If so, the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius might be for you. The program is a 30 week “retreat in daily life” with two hour weekly meetings running from September through April. Individual spiritual direction with trained directors is also offered as part of the experience.

Feedback from Participants